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Loving her ombré brows... book yours tod
Microshading 😍.jpg

Brow Microshading - $400

Permanent brows with a filled in powder look.

Lasts 6 months to 2 years based on you skin type.

2 hours 30 minutes


Brow Microshading + Microblading - $450

Brow Microshading with natural hair strokes added to the front of the

brows for a more natural look.


Please refrain from waxing or arching brows before appointment.

2 hours 30 minutes


Microshading 1 Year Touch Up - $150

2 hours



Option 1 - Pay Deposit and Pay Balance on Appointment Day

$50 Deposit Required - CASH ONLY due at the time of service for the balance.

Option 2 - Pay In Installments

 If you wish to pay in installments, choose pay in installments and select Afterpay at checkout. You will then return to this page to proceed to book your session. 


© C O P Y R I G H T  2 0 1 9 .  P R I S S Y I N T H E C I T Y  • A L L  R I G H T S  R E S E R V E D

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